Nēnē Donation

Suggested Price: $20.00

Suggested Price: $20.00

Minimum Price: $20.00

Nēnē Donation

SKU: nene-donation Category:

Keep Nēnē Flying High

Looking for a rare goose? Look no further than the skies over Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. The nēnē, or endangered Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis), is the rarest goose in the world. By 1950, nēnē were nearly extinct. A mere 30 birds remained in the wild. In response to the crisis, captive breeding programs were started in Hawai‘i and in England. Since being reintroduced in 1974, the park’s nēnē population has grown from a handful of captive breeding pairs to over 200 wild individuals. Please support the essential Nēnē Recovery Project and ensure a future for Hawai‘i’s state bird.

  • Your $20 donation buys 2 bags of feed essential for injured birds in rehabilitation and for goslings without access to good nutrition.
  • Your $100 donation provides a stipend for 2 weeks of volunteer time dedicated to nēnē protection..
  • Your $350 donation provides a stipend and housing for a volunteer for a Nēnē Recovery Project volunteer for 1 month..
  • Your $1,400 donation provides a stipend and housing for a volunteer for 4 months during the critical nesting season.

Suggested Price: $20.00

Suggested Price: $20.00

Minimum Price: $20.00